Productivity Tips for the (Chaotic) Times
So, your life-work balance is whacked?
Your calendar is a predictably unpredictable mess?
I am SO with you.
It took me long time to do this (the first time), and now I needed to do it again. Like all of us, I needed to re-adjust to this new era of living through a pandemic and a changing world of home-school, work-from home and keeping a semblance of a home..
Let me show you what I did myself, with the hope there’s something in this for you too.
Whatever “system” you have been using until now, it’s not going to work the same.
Either (a) you need to scrap it and start all over again, or (b) make adjustments to fit the needs of the day.
(It’s okay to be disoriented. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Transitions and times of re-novations are unsettling and need to be that way, in order to open the possibility of a truly better way forward.)
Here is what I did to help navigate my day.
I made two lists: personal-life and work-life.
“List everything you need to maintain your personal-life and your work-life.”
Personal-life list- jot down the daily tasks and responsibilities you need to do for your personal needs, your personal growth and your love and care for the people in your immediate family.
My list consisted of:
Quality family time with each member
Study/ pray time
Call with long distant family members
Work-life list- jot down the daily stuff you need to do in order to get work down and keep yourself sharp.
Mine consisted of:
Therapy hours/ appointments
Phone calls
Work emails
Support for my team
Content creation
Admin work
Then, I reconsidered what has become the “new normal.” Because after all, many of the routines, opportunities and constraints of yesterday, are no longer the same today, tomorrow…
Things like:
Wake-up time
Instead of long hours at the office, it is now long hours at home
Instead of early hours of work and evening hours at home, it’s more apt to spend daytime with family and work into the evening hours.
Excercise habits need to shift in time, place and running buddies are not available.
What atmosphere do I need to get in place to foster my most productive work?
What tasks can I do with short sprints, shorter windows of work time and what tasks truly necessitate longer and deeper concentrated time.
Blocks of time help me prioritize and give my 110% in all that I do.
Instead of minute by minute micromanaging your work, create blocks of time for a more flexible, yet structured outlook of your day and week.
“I’s all about being fully present - in both your personal life and work life. ”
TIME BLOCKING 101 - For your Upside Down ScheduleSo, your schedule is upside down... You calendar is on fire... I am SO with you. It's taken me days to get myself to do it, but... let me show you what I did today! TIME BLOCKING 101 For more, visit: The click the button: COVID19 Tips for Life
Posted by Uri Schneider on Monday, March 23, 2020
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